How can I even begin to write a tribute when my heart still feels so numb? When someone dear passes away, it’s easy for others to offer comforting words like “it will be okay” or “I understand how you feel,” but the truth is, the pain is indescribable. I’m not ready to pour out memories of the 20 years I shared with him. Every attempt to put pen to paper feels like grasping at air. Perhaps I’m still in denial, unable to comprehend that I won’t hear his familiar footsteps or my son’s joyous cries of “daddy” anymore. The disbelief leaves me feeling utterly exposed, as if a piece of my soul has been torn away.

Yet, amidst the grief, there’s a glimmer of solace in knowing I had the privilege of cherishing him while he was still here. Was it divine preparation? Many knew him as a fighter, and indeed, he fought tirelessly to ensure our safety and happiness. Cairo stood for his convictions, never shying away from challenges but confronting them head-on. He wasn’t just a provider but a devoted father who immersed himself in every aspect of our children’s lives, from school events to bedtime rituals. Despite his flaws, he instilled in them values of courage and resilience.

I’m grateful for the transformative years we shared, where he witnessed my growth and evolution. His last message to me echoes in my mind, a testament to his unwavering love and desire for my happiness. I’ll miss his patient explanations, his comforting presence, and even his playful teasing.

As I stood by his still body, I realized his spirit had transcended this mortal realm, finding solace in the arms of his beloved father. Though the pain of his absence is profound, I take comfort in knowing that his legacy lives on in us. We will carry forth his spirit of resilience, standing firm in our convictions and extending kindness to all.

So, as I navigate this journey without him, I vow to face each day with courage, to nurture our children with love and guidance, and to honor his memory by embracing life’s challenges as a true warrior. And to all who have supported us through this ordeal, may God’s blessings be upon you, multiplying your kindness a hundredfold. Amen.

Sweetbaby of Africa
Omo ibo
Mama Hapu

I can’t seem to stop crying long enough to focus. How could I, especially when he didn’t get to see me achieve the dreams we shared together? Why did he have to leave now? I have so many questions, God, please give me answers. My Dad was always there for me, especially during tough times. He taught me to roar when I was scared. He was kind, loving, and resilient, always standing up for what he believed in and for those he loved. He never let me forget who I am. Even though it’s tough, I’m trying to be grateful for everything. I’m thankful to have had such an amazing dad. With God’s help, I’ll make him proud. 🙏

Hapu the great

En mémoire de mon papa :

Mon père me manque énormément. Il me manque quand il rentre du travail et que je saute dans ses bras. Il me manque nos soirées pizza et sa manière de chanter mon nom. C’était le meilleur papa du monde.
Oju Ewerime, Oju Ewerime o.
J’attends toujours qu’il dîne avec moi, même quand maman dit qu’il est l’heure de dormir. Je n’ai pas encore pleuré car j’espère qu’il reviendra bientôt.

Papa, où es-tu ? Tu me manques tellement. Même si tu n’es pas là, je me souviens des moments amusants que nous avons passés ensemble. Je sais que tu m’aimes, et je garderai cet amour dans mon cœur jusqu’à ce que nous nous retrouvions.

Avec tout mon amour,
Ewerime (le fils)

In loving memory of my dad:

He was the best dad I could ever ask for, and it’s extremely sad to have him leave so soon. He was my everything, I loved him so much. I miss everything about him. How he was so strong and hard working, his jokes, his hugs, and even the songs he would teach me. I miss helping him with his eye drops every night before bed before I left for school.

I know it was his time as God had called for him, but why did he have to leave so soon. I wish I was there to say goodbye. I wish I had been able to talk to him one last time, tell him how much I loved him. He had even planned to come see me in school, he had never been here before. I know he was proud of me.

I can’t help but cry thinking of the memories we shared together. I know he wanted the best for me, and even though he isnt here now , I will always remember how much he cared for me, and how much he loved me. I miss my dad, the real soldier of truth. I know he is watching over us now.


In loving memory of my dad:

He was the best dad I could ever ask for, and it’s extremely sad to have him leave so soon. He was my everything, I loved him so much. I miss everything about him. How he was so strong and hard working, his jokes, his hugs, and even the songs he would teach me. I miss helping him with his eye drops every night before bed before I left for school.

I know it was his time as God had called for him, but why did he have to leave so soon. I wish I was there to say goodbye. I wish I had been able to talk to him one last time, tell him how much I loved him. He had even planned to come see me in school, he had never been here before. I know he was proud of me.

I can’t help but cry thinking of the memories we shared together. I know he wanted the best for me, and even though he isnt here now , I will always remember how much he cared for me, and how much he loved me. I miss my dad, the real soldier of truth. I know he is watching over us now.

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